Just a little script I put together during the week to update primary email address on a user account that is been synced over to Office 365 (O365) from Active Directory (AD). It’s not in any way a perfect script but gets the work done. Download script here
.\UpdatePE.ps1 -NewDomain azure.hazelnest.com -Address hhazeley@o365.hazelnest.com -KeepCurrentPrimary .\UpdatePE.ps1 -NewDomain azure.hazelnest.com -KeepCurrentPrimary .\UpdatePE.ps1 -NewDomain azure.hazelnest.com .\UpdatePE.ps1 -NewDomain azure.hazelnest.com -Address hhazeley@o365.hazelnest.com
Breakdown of script below
#Update Primary Address #Hannel Hazeley | hhazeley@outlook.com [cmdletbinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $NewDomain, $Address, [Switch]$KeepCurrentPrimary ) #If addres is not specify, get address(es) from text file if ($Address -eq $null) { $Address = gc .\UpdatePEUsers.txt } #Set timestamp for log file $timestamp = Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddhhmmss #Update all email address in address text file Foreach ($Eaddress in $Address) { #Get user details using UPN $ADUser = Get-ADUser -filter {userprincipalname -eq $Eaddress} -Properties * Get-ADuser $ADUser.SamAccountName -Properties EmailAddress,mail,proxyAddresses,UserPrincipalName > .\$timestamp.$Eaddress.txt #Create new address using current UPN Format $NewAddress = $ADUser.userprincipalname -replace "@.*","@$newdomain" #updates information in proxyaddresses string $ADUser.proxyAddresses.Remove("SMTP:$Eaddress") $ADUser.proxyAddresses.Remove("smtp:$NewAddress") $ADUser.proxyAddresses.Add("SMTP:$NewAddress") #Readds old primary as secondary address If ($KeepCurrentPrimary.IsPresent) { $ADUser.proxyAddresses.Add("smtp:$Eaddress") } #Set proxyaddress string into a variable $NewProxyAddresses = $ADUser.proxyAddresses #clear proxaddresses on account $ADUser | Set-ADUser -Clear proxyaddresses #Add each address in variable to proxyaddress on account ForEach ($NewProxyAddress in $NewProxyAddresses) { $ADUser | Set-ADUser -Add @{proxyAddresses="$NewProxyAddress"} } #Updates other mail attributes on account $ADUser | Set-ADUser -Replace @{mail="$NewAddress"} $ADuser | Set-ADUser -EmailAddress $NewAddress -UserPrincipalName $NewAddress #Update a log file information of work done $confirm = Get-ADuser $ADUser.SamAccountName -Properties EmailAddress,mail,proxyAddresses,UserPrincipalName $confirm $confirm >> .\$timestamp.$Eaddress.txt $confirm >> .\$newdomain.$timestamp.All.txt }
Posted from Vancouver BC 🙂 Nothing like a vacation post.. Enjoy..