Thought i should start sharing some tools in my little tool box, this is my Exchange Start-Services script.
In my Lab at home the Virtual Machines are running minimal specs so i am always encountering issues with automatic Exchange services not starting at boot up so i came up a little script to solve that issue. The script can be manipulated to be used for any service or services.
Just 4 lines of ‘code’ and that’s it, script can be run 30 minutes after server bootup as a scheduled task or on demand. Download script here
Breakdown of script below
Script in action:
#Starting Exchange Services #Hannel Hazeley #Version 1.0 $list = (Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | ?{$_.Startmode -eq "Auto" -and $_.State -eq "Stopped" -and $_.Name -like "MSExchange*"}).name $list $list | Start-Service $list | Get-Service
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