This script does delete disks which means there is a potential for data loss use at your own risk.
This article covers deleting an Azure virtual machine and all its unique resources using my ‘home cooked’ script. The script will delete virtual machine, public IP of the virtual machine, Network interface of the virtual machine and disks both OS and any data-disks attached if option selected. GitHub link to script used in video below.
This article covers deploying an Azure virtual machine from an existing Azure v2 virtual machine (VM) image using PowerShell. As of time of this article, deploying from an image in the resource model can only be done using PowerShell. Video covers using my ‘home cooked’ script to create a virtual machine from an Azure Virtual Machine image, GitHub link to script used in video below.
This article cover creating an Azure virtual machine image from an existing Azure v2 virtual machine (VM) using PowerShell. As of time of this article, imaging in the resource model can only be done using PowerShell. Video and script used in video below.
This video is a revamp of the DV1 series covers how i setup my environment and create my first virtual machine in just a few minutes, using the Azure portal when i am about to do an Azure deployment.