Includes everything Microsoft Windows related
This article covers using my custom script to configuring WinRM HTTPS on an Azure Nano Server. The script (NanoWinRM-SelfSCert-Deployment.ps1) creates a local self-signed certificate on machine and use that certificate to configure WinRM HTTPS on the Nano Server. This option created a shared on a storage account to transfer certificate. Requirements for running script are;
Configure WinRM HTTPS on Nano with Local Self-Signed Certificate
This article covers using my custom script to configuring WinRM HTTPS on an Azure Nano Server. The script (NanoWinRM-KeyVaultCert-Deployment.ps1) uses the Azure Key Vault to create a certificate and use that certificate to configure WinRM HTTPS on the Nano Server. Note using this option you might accrue some Key Vault services charges. Requirements for running script are;
This article covers the automation of fixing a common DirSync/AADConnect issue with duplicate cloud account. The duplicate error, which should look like something below means the Local AD account and the cloud account did not merger due to Immutable ID mismatch. The script will update the Cloud Immutable ID to match the local and accounts will merged
.\UpdateImmutableID -UPN
.\UpdateImmutableID -UPN
This is another script in my toolbox, I have tweaked it a little to look pretty and work in other environment. The script is used to update certificates on the ADFS server and to update the ADFS signing certificate on Office 365 Federated domains. It’s not in any way a perfect script but gets the work done. Download script here